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We asked The Urban Alternative family to share some of the activities and traditions they do with their families during Christmas to focus their hearts and minds on Jesus in the midst of a busy season—and you delivered.

We come from all around the world, from different backgrounds and experiences, but one thing unites us all: our love for Jesus. Enjoy this virtual album, full of Christ-centered holiday traditions from the TUA family, and be encouraged. You may just find a new tradition of your own to try out this year.

TUA Guide 2023

Don’t forget to download the Evans family’s 2023 Holiday Traditions Guide.

Download TUA Guide 2023


Kim M.
On Christmas morning before opening presents, we read Luke 2:8-14
Mia M.
My children are toddlers (5 and 3) and this year we are decorating our living room with happy birthday decor for Jesus birthday.
LeAnne M.
Picture cards up and Daily reading with cards and kiddos
Diana G.
When our family gathers around the tree on Christmas morning, my husband reads the Christmas story from the Bible. Then we have a time of prayer, thanking God for sending Jesus to be the Savior of all who believe in His atoning sacrifice for their sins. We thank God for each gathered, for our family not present, and for each gift under the tree.
james h.
We tell How JESUS has PROVED HIMSELF ALL YEAR LONG IN THE "PERSONAL WAY"! Yes, we have the trees, gifts, decor, and even Santa and how Santa does not displace JESUS CHRIST for the "HOLYDAY" Explain that he is God and came in human form as a baby. We pray with approx. 35 or more at Christmas dinner at our house, our thanks TO GOD for Jesus Christ!
Tauja C.
Our family loves CHRIST-mas and one of our traditions is nightly devotionals by the Christmas tree! We have a Nativity set in our living room, and several of our ornaments have scriptures on them.
Tiffany E.
Turning the lights down low and reading Luke Chapter 2 every Christmas Eve. There is something precious about meeting Jesus in His word!
Helane D.
Closest we ever got wss to Celebrate as celebrating Jesus's birthday with listening to Christmas Carols!
Kim B.
spending time with family and friends