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Lutheran Hour Ministries

Your answers to these four questions will help ensure that we’re providing you with the kind of faith-enriching resources that are most relevant to you. We appreciate your time and thought!

I like to learn about spiritual matters by: (please choose all that apply)
Listening to radio and/or podcasts
Watching videos online
Using a Bible study guide or devotional on my own
Participating in a group Bible study in person or online
I’d like to hear more from Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) about: (please choose all that apply)
Stories of people whose lives were changed through LHM resources
Devotional materials, reading plans, and other Bible study tools I can use myself and share with others
How I can pray for LHM and the people it serves
How I can support the ongoing work of LHM through one-time, monthly, or legacy giving
I am:
A skeptic
Interested in learning more about God
Interested in following Christ
A new believer
A long-time Christian
A seasoned saint
Prefer not to say
My age range is:
25 or under
Prefer not to say

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