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We asked The Urban Alternative family to share some of the activities and traditions they do with their families during Christmas to focus their hearts and minds on Jesus in the midst of a busy season—and you delivered.

We come from all around the world, from different backgrounds and experiences, but one thing unites us all: our love for Jesus. Enjoy this virtual album, full of Christ-centered holiday traditions from the TUA family, and be encouraged. You may just find a new tradition of your own to try out this year.

TUA Guide 2023

Don’t forget to download the Evans family’s 2023 Holiday Traditions Guide.

Download TUA Guide 2023


Denise O.
My family and I collect items for the homeless, we prepare backpacks on Christmas eve, and distribute them downtown Dallas on Christmas morning. My daughter and I started this tradition about 7 years ago and it's grown to include siblings, nieces, nephews,and grandkids.
Kim M.
On Christmas morning we read Luke 2:8-14 before opening presents.
Irena B.
Reading a Christmas book every night around the Christmas tree with our boys and praying together.
Toney F.
We are always grateful and excited to celebrate Christmas. This is when we invite our mothers and family to come together. During the gathering, we ask each person to share why they are thankful and to reflect on their powerful experiences throughout the year. We keep Christ at the forefront of our celebration. #Grateful #Thankful
Linda B.
Christmas morning brunch with the reading of the birth of Christ Bible Scripture and prayer of thanksgiving/grace before the meal.
Jumoke A.
Hang out with friends and family from Christmas Eve and Christmas day
Vanessa L.
Celebrating the birth of Christ on Christmas Eve with friends and celebrating the birth of Christ on Christmas Day with family.
Colleen R.
Read the story of Jesus birth on Christmas Eve
Jessica M.
Decorating the tree with daddy. We always sing Christmas Hymns not just carols and songs. They remind of of Jesus, and the free gift, Our Heavenly Father gave to each of us, Jesus, our Lord and Savior.