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We asked The Urban Alternative family to share some of the activities and traditions they do with their families during Christmas to focus their hearts and minds on Jesus in the midst of a busy season—and you delivered.

We come from all around the world, from different backgrounds and experiences, but one thing unites us all: our love for Jesus. Enjoy this virtual album, full of Christ-centered holiday traditions from the TUA family, and be encouraged. You may just find a new tradition of your own to try out this year.

TUA Guide 2023

Don’t forget to download the Evans family’s 2023 Holiday Traditions Guide.

Download TUA Guide 2023


Ruth R.
My daughter, husband and two children and I always go to church on Christmas Eve. Then when we get home the kids are allowed to pick one present to open. The following AM we read the Christmas story before opening presents. We always have cinnamon rolls after the presents are opened and then spend the rest of the time searching for batteries!!
Robert C.
As a family we begin December 1st studying the life of Jesus through Christmas Eve, by reading, studying, and discussing the book of Luke. We focus on one chapter a day. It doesnt stop there. After Christmas we go through John, Mark (to learn more of Jesus life) and Acts (to learn of His impact on the world). We then continue normal Bible studies
Michelle H.
After losing my husband and the kids father unexpectedly Christmas was hard for us. So we light five candles in memory of and in honor of all our deceased loved ones along with prayer: we light one for our grief, one for our courage, one for our memories, one for our love, and one for our hope in Christ, who makes joy possible again.
Karen L.
We read one chapter from Luke each day, beginning on December 1st, and ending on December 24th. This focuses us on the reason for the season!
Lloyd J.
As we sit down to our Christmas Day meal, we read Luke 2 from the Bible, passing it from one person to the next through the last verse, then we pray for our meal. This is a great reminder of the reason we celebrate the day, keeps our hearts and minds focused on Jesus, and also sets the tone for the day. It is truly a blessing to read The Word!
Vanessa B.
Christmas eve's "GUMBO GATHERING." My immediate family Christmas PJ's
Joe H.
My Wife and I have a blend family, I have 2 children 4 grandkids, my Wife has 3 children 5 grandkids together we have 9 grand kids youngest 3 oldest 8 there's 19 of us total for Christmas everyone of us including me Papa looks forward to Christmas Bible Trivia, I come up with 9 Christ driven questions with scripture to back it up we Love it.
Juanita J.
Having a birthday party for Jesus were we read about the birth of Jesus to our little ones then cut a birthday cake
Kathie P.
We go to the Christmas Eve service at my church when my family is home.